Reaching the top with shoppable content
No sooner have you read about a product than it lands in your personal shopping cart with a click. What used to work only on e-commerce sites is now almost a natural part of every social media experience – and goes by the name: Shoppable Content.
Read, clicked, bought!
In the U.S., the starting gun was already fired in 2017: first on Instagram, then in quick succession on Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook. Shoppable content enables what can hardly be achieved with pure content marketing: It links from social media posts – whether from companies or influencers – directly to eCommerce platforms. Buying has never been easier – and faster! The products on offer can be presented directly with price and details and purchased in just a few steps. This way, shopping is seamlessly integrated into the surfing and social media experience. Attention and time are generally worth their weight in gold on the Internet. Shoppable content is the perfect solution: as soon as attention is captured, purchases can be made.
This is all the more valuable when you consider that around 75 percent of users can no longer precisely remember the associated brand shortly after a classic Internet ad impression. In addition, very intrusive advertising causes so-called reactance. Up to 93% of users who remember such advertising have a negative memory of it and therefore tend to reject the advertised product. Shoppable content, in contrast, is perceived as unobtrusive, almost pleasant.
Win-win for users:inside and platforms?
When influencers present a product as an authentic part of their daily lives, it becomes much more attractive to their followers. The concrete application and the benefit of the product are shown directly, the impression of high transparency is created; the enthusiasm is transferred to viewers and readers. And as soon as the product is convincing, it is – as shoppable content – also purchased with minimal effort.
For social media platforms, shoppable content is a blessing. Users stay on the page, discover a new product and can buy directly without leaving the platform. They most likely continued their social media experience even after the purchase. In turn, users:in’s longer dwell time significantly increases the relevance of the platforms.
Companies in the fast lane
Companies where product sales particularly benefit from visual content – beauty, non-food and food, fashion – should leverage progress for their marketing strategies. User:ins share, post and respond to posts. Analyzing and improving company accounts have never been easier. Because the companies get a direct feedback, how the posts and products like – best conditions for impulse buying (more on this in the blog post “Seduced in the supermarket”).
Monthly around 130 million Instagram users:inside search for product information. This enables brands to increase conversion, provide more authentic inspiration and much more. Images in an unusual or particularly authentic setting inspire consumers. This is because they get a glimpse of what life could be like with the product on offer. It involves them more strongly than in the case of purely advertising representations.
Shoppable content not only shortens the process between attention, interest, decision, payment and use. But also promotes the combination of the hedonistic with the utilitarian consumption of the user:inside and/or consumers. This means that they not only get the goods more quickly in practical terms, but also fulfill a great need in the shortest possible time. In this way, not only the platforms and users benefit from the shopping option, but also the companies. This is not only a new dimension of marketing, but also one of many services of our agency.
Shoppable Content thus offers quite a few advantages:
1. Advertising is more authentic than ever- the needs and lifestyle of the User:inside is reflected.
2. Shoppable content shortens the path to eCommerce.
3. Shoppable content increases the conversion rate.
4. User:ins can read on smoothly and are not redirected to the product page.
5. Products are provided with price, details or a link. They can thus be purchased as quickly as possible by linking to the product page.
6. The uncomplicated process has a sales-promoting effect.
7. User:ins stay longer on platforms, even after the purchase process is completed.
8. Companies get direct feedback on products and posts.
However, it is also true that if you want to be successful with shoppable content, you have to maintain your content, ensure that it is up to date and attractive offers – over and over again!