Bündnis nachhaltige Mobilitätswirtschaft
The “Bündnis nachhaltige Mobilitätswirtschaft” is an initiative of the four industry associations: Allianz for Rail, Federal Carsharing Association, Association of Transport Companies, and Future Bicycle.
The aim of the alliance is to reconcile the diverse mobility needs of people with climate protection goals and reduced energy consumption in the transport sector. At the same time, the alliance advocates for improved political conditions to support a robust sustainable mobility industry that creates jobs and generates value.
Website for political multiplicators
B+D designs an accessible and responsive website for the alliance of sustainable mobility economy and its industry associations. The target audience includes opinion leaders in politics and business, as well as other interest groups advocating for future-oriented mobility concepts.
The alliance is considered a central point of contact for politics, media, business, and society on all issues related to the mobility sectors and the transition to sustainable mobility.