Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband
The Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv) is the strong advocate for all consumers in Germany – regardless of their origin or life circumstances.
The association advocates for a just and sustainable societal and economic order in which the needs of consumers are at the center. The vzbv represents the interests of consumers vis-à-vis politics, business, and administration, and enforces consumer rights in court. Through market observation from the consumer’s perspective, the association exposes market distortions and directly involves consumers.
The Annual Report 2019 “All in sight”
The annual report for 2019 highlights the achievements and successes of the year, providing information about the topics on the consumer protection agenda and the work undertaken by the vzbv. The report presents current figures, data, and facts regarding the vzbv’s activities and its projects.
B+D develops the visual language, illustration style, and layout concept for the annual report and is responsible for the complete implementation of both the digital and printed product.
The Annual Report 2020 “Without strong consumers, there is no strong economy.”
Effective consumer protection ensures that people have enough money in their pockets, can make self-determined decisions, and look positively towards the future. Against this backdrop, the Annual Report 2020 particularly focuses on safeguarding consumer rights during the year of the pandemic. The aim is to strengthen trust in a positive economic development.
B+D develops the look and feel of the 86-page brochure, creates graphics and illustrations for the focal topics, and oversees the realization for both print and digital formats.
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The Annual Report 2021: “Conserve Resources – Protect Climate.”
In the outgoing year 2021, many consumers are concerned about their energy supply and rising living costs. The intensified price development of electricity, gas, oil, and fuels poses significant financial challenges for numerous households. Consumer protection is therefore crucial, especially in times of crisis. The vzbv advocates strongly for relieving the financial burden on private households with low and moderate incomes in this context.
B+D is also responsible for the design concept of this year’s report and develops the style for the overall visual appearance.